
Community Development

CREDA acts to enhance community development through various initiatives to promote the natural assets of our communities. As part of community identified resources, CREDA continues to assist in facilitating projects which enhance the culture and heritage of Cumberland County.

The long-term objective of community enhancement is to improve the general amenities and image of the region, thus fostering an “enhanced” environment for economic growth, expansion and renewal. Enhancement projects have included, now and in the past, projects in areas such as recreation and trail development, design and image, youth, heritage and culture.

CREDA assists in various projects throughout Cumberland County. In order for CREDA to become involved in a particular project it must adhere to the following Project Criteria List.

CREDA Community Field Officers

For more information, call one of our Community Field Officers at (902) 667-3638.

Development Field Officer (Community)

Development Field Officer (Community)

Project Initiative Criteria

The following factors are used when considering projects for funding support:

  1. The project is an integrated aspect of an existing community plan.
  2. The project is an integrated aspect of an existing regional plan.
  3. The community has the capacity to manage the project.
  4. The community has the capacity to financially operate the project.
  5. The community has a proven track record in existing and previous projects (successful development, implementation and completion).
  6. The project has broad-based community support (e.g. Municipal, relevant groups/organizations and private sector where applicable).
  7. The project demonstrates economic impact – both direct and indirect for the short term and long term.
  8. The project provides an enhancement to existing activities.
  9. The project links with and enhances existing and/or planned local, regional and provincial initiatives.
  10. The project demonstrates multi-partnership support and endorsement.
  11. The project demonstrates attitudinal improvements and potential social benefits.
  12. The project proponent is a legally-recognized community organization.
  13. The project includes a local contribution, cash and in kind.
  14. Is this project the specific responsibility of a local group and/or municipal government? (Not considered eligible)
  15. Is this project a maintenance venture? (Not considered eligible)