Recruitment & Retention

Strategies for Volunteer Recruitment & Retention

  • Develop a volunteer application
  • Screening and Interviewing
  • Job Descriptions
  • Publicize volunteer jobs (newspaper, posters, word of mouth, church bulletin, ask a friend, get the family involved)
  • Be well organized
  • Help volunteers develop new skills
  • Provide training where needed
  • Provide room to grow
  • Show volunteers how much they are appreciated and often, both publicly and individually
  • Make volunteer work meaningful and rewarding
  • Treat them the same as you would treat staff or how you would like to be treated
  • Allow them to voice opinions
  • Be flexible

Youth Involvement

  1. Flexibility: Youth seek options. Can the job be done after school, weekends or on holidays and can it be more flexible around exams?
  2. Is it worthwhile? Youth as with all volunteers need to know that there efforts make a difference and what they do has significance.
  3. Access: This can refer to transportation to and from volunteer jobs or access to leadership. Are volunteer opportunities available within walking distance from schools or neighborhoods? Will the organization provide transportation? Are the leaders easily accessible? Will they provide training, reassurance and support? Are they easy to talk to and can they relate easily to the issues of youth? Youth need reassurance from their leaders.
  4. Experience: Will the skills they use or learn through their volunteer position be beneficial to their career development.
  5. Incentives: Does the organization provide incentives, such as reference letters and connections to potential employers? Does the organization use other recognition items such as: pins, t-shirts, fast food coupons, etc.? Remember it doesn’t have to be expensive to be effective.
  6. Variety: Young people need variety to keep them motivated and allow them to explore their interest and develop skills. Can you provide opportunities for continued learning?
  7. Organization: Young Volunteers look for a well organized, but relaxed environment. They need a supportive workplace where they won’t be overwhelmed with policy and procedure.
  8. Fun! We all need to have a rewarding and enjoyable volunteer experience and young people are no exception.

Retention & Avoiding Burn-Out

Things to consider when trying to retain volunteers and avoid burn-out

  • Remember first impression make lasting impressions. Not only does the potential volunteer need to make a good first impression, but also you and your organization need to do the same.
  • Does your organization greet potential volunteers with enthusiasm and a smile?
  • Do you return calls promptly? Do you provide all the information a new recruit needs?
  • What is the time commitment required for each task?
  • Do you have schedules? Are they flexible?
  • What skills are required to do the job?
  • Can you provide the appropriate training so that volunteers can complete assigned tasks?
  • Do you provide a safe and comfortable environment for this job?
  • Is this a job that requires teamwork or can one person do it?
  • Are team members compatible?
  • Is the task appealing? Would you do it?
  • Does the task fit the person?