Our Mission

To provide support to local volunteers & their organizations, so they may achieve their goals, through increased opportunities to network, develop skills, access and share resources.

Who We Are

The Cumberland Rural Volunteer Coalition was an initiative born out of the Provincial Rural Volunteers Project, Phase 2, 2002 - 2004.

Over the past two years members of the coalition have been working in partnership with the Cumberland Regional Economic Development Association, along with the funding support of Human Resources and Skills Development Canada, to assess the needs of Cumberland non-profit organizations and their volunteers, while helping to provide them with the tools they need to have continued success.

It was the goal of the Coalition to develop a means by which organizations and volunteers could easily access appropriate and relevant volunteer information needed to make their volunteering efforts more rewarding, and satisfying.

We Believe

  • In building stronger communities through volunteerism.
  • Volunteers are the heart & soul of their communities and volunteers know their communities best.
  • Volunteers and their organizations are entitled to the on going support of the public & private sectors.
  • Volunteers and their organizations can be as successful as they want to be.